Casual Cover for my new Album

a casual image that i will use for my new album

  1. 2 months ago

    made with bryce 4 and photoshop 5

  2. 2 months ago

    Looks like something you'd find in the CD section in a 00s pawn shop.
    And I mean that in an endearing way.
    Good work OP.
    One thing, you might want to do is super sampling or rendering at a higher resolution for anti-aliasing.
    If you want to go for the look without antialiasing turn it off for the font as well and use the same resolution.

  3. 2 months ago

    nice art. i would change the title to something else but i think it looks good.

  4. 2 months ago

    Looks really ni

  5. 2 months ago

    Painfully generic.

  6. 2 months ago

    The text destroys it. Not so much the name, but the fact that it's just there like someone slapped it on in MS Paint. And not in a good way. It just looks like shit and doesn't match the scene, or the look you're going for.

  7. 2 months ago

    is this supposed to be "SOVL", unironically?

    or is it supposed to be "forced soul", but ironically?

    looking like a low effort shitpost, it seems to be the latter. which is pretty meta t.b.h

    so thats kinda based. who say "forced soul" cant be based?

    • 2 months ago

      Anyone know why people who uses that term unironically think low effort synthetic imagery from several decades ago is a target worth achieving?

      Consensus surrounding Poser and Bryce back then where very much in the same vein of how generative AI is viewed today by artist today.
      It's like these people reaches into the past to bring back irrelevant slop machines from the software graveyard at a point we're already drowning in slop.

      Having lived long enough to remember what it was like back then seeing people bringing this back today is like watching
      cultist attempt to resurrect one of the lesser evils when Diablo himself has arisen.

      Seeing Op post this image today is to me akin to watching someone bring out Tupperware containing a turd which they've saved in a freezer.
      "Behold, this is from the turn of the millennium!" "..." "Actually I made it fresh this morning" "..ok?"

      • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        Poser and Bryce weren't nearly as popular as AI today.They were only known in the relatively small CGI community back then and not used by every normiefag like AI generators today. But it's true using Poser was looked down at by a few of those that could even model, rig and animate a character.

      • 2 months ago

        For most of the zoomers participating in this “movement”, it started when this particular video showed up in their home page on YouTube []. This isn’t a guess, this is THE answer to the question from someone who’s in the know.

        It may not mean much to you since this was just the mundanity of everyday life back in the day, but I think it’s something special when you look at it with fresh eyes. There was something really magical about watching this video for the first time, with the ethereal music and the surreal visuals. For people who grew up playing low-poly games, watching 3dcg cartoons, and looking at the Windows pipes screensaver, “bad graphics” is something they can look past and actually appreciate what’s there. These images could be recreated using modern software to get something that looks cleaner, but then the dreamlike quality they have would be gone.

        For a moment, imagine being a teenager during the 2010s. Most of what was at the forefront of “aesthetics” was corporate minimalism, mobile games AAA realism made by people with no artistic sensibilities, and pop stars and rappers encouraging people to be degenerates. After a decade of anti-aesthetics, I like to believe a lot of young people are copying things like old CGI, Y2K, Frutiger aero (dumb name), etc. because the things they experienced during their childhood were legitimately better in all regards than what they got later in life. I suppose the 2010s had vaporwave, but that got old quick when everyone started jumping on it without any creative ideas, just like what’s happening with this. Ultimately, that's the problem with OP’s pic. It could be due to a lack of ideas, but I could also just be because he doesn’t know how to use his program, and is limited to only the most basic tools.

        • 2 months ago

          Have you tried getting a degree in psychology instead of posting?

          • 2 months ago

            No, what for?

        • 2 months ago

          I'm the guy you responded to, thanks for providing a legit sounding answer. I suppose the people nostalgic for this are the ones who are maybe half a decade younger than me and this is part of their connection to what then remained of a 'pre-internet' type world.

          Obv the internet was already there for them but it was in it's infancy without the social networks, tubesites and smartphones etc.
          I guess I understand what they say when talk about how legacy media and games had more 'soul' I'd tend to agree with that statement.
          Where I'm lost is when they point to things like 'Frutiger aero' and 'Bryce 3D' type aesthetics as representative of that 'soul'
          because to me that would represent the peak 'soul-less' of that era they're reaching back to.

          Maybe it's more about having something easily reproducible that's just iconic for the time. Like how ugly juxtaposed neon colors & slalom patterns can invoke certain 80's nostalgia.

  8. 2 months ago

    Low effort and ugly, somewhere along the way you forgot that you actually need to be an artist to create something good looking in bryce

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