Film is the Dark Souls of Photography

Do not misunderstand, it is not that film is difficult. Dark Souls is a game where every system works together harmoniously to produce an effect on the participant which is greater than the sum of it's parts.

Briefly; the challenging combat produces stress by draining a fixed allocation of resources as you explore an area. The tension caused by diminishing resources produces a true sense of exploration complete with fear, anxiety and conquest once you reach the safety of a bonfire. All underpinned by a real threat of losing time and progress if you were to be unsuccessful. Finally the key to success is mindfulness, being present allows you to read and respond to attack animations successfully. Slowly building a real sense of accomplishment and efficacy as your skill progresses causes losses to diminish.

Film is the same way. You set out with a fixed allocation of resources, your mistakes are punished in a tangible way by loss of money. Tension is maintained as resources drain and victory is achieved through mindfulness, being able to calculate whether a shot is good enough to expend resources on. It also builds a sense of efficacy through a similar mechanism of minimizing losses and mistakes.

Digital has no stakes. You have infinite attempts at a shot only limited by battery life. If you still fail you are granted almost unlimited flexibility in post to correct those mistakes meaning there is no failure and thus no tension.

The end result is of course the same, you only get good photos if you are a good photographer. But the sense of having accomplished something is much greater on one system than the other.

  1. 3 weeks ago

    have you no self awareness? jesus take a two week computer/internet/video game detox, touch some grass and read some paper books

  2. 3 weeks ago


  3. 3 weeks ago


  4. 3 weeks ago

    >my greatest accomplishment in life is playing a video game 13 years ago
    >my frame of reference is now centered around this
    at least the kids stuck with high school football as their glory days got some pussy out of it. this has just turned you in to a pussy instead.

    • 3 weeks ago

      underrated. gaymers are fucking sad cunts

  5. 3 weeks ago

    Maybe if you're bad. I don't have to guess about how my 35mm photos will come out.

  6. 3 weeks ago

    Souls was easy as shit. The only slight challenge was Capra and O&S until you realized you just had to not panic.

    • 3 weeks ago

      this game is supposed to be hard?


      i never played dark souls, but this just looks cheesy

      • 3 weeks ago

        It's easy if you know how to play, know the arenas, and know their movesets. If you don't grind levels, O&S will one-shot you if you get hit though. Also he got good RNG and cheesed Capra in that video and has a ton of stamina in both. If you stay at SL1 it's much more of a challenge but mostly because it requires extreme patience.

        All of the Soulsbourne bosses look easy as fuck when watching an experienced player, it's another thing to learn them for yourself. But yes, DS is easier than DS2 and 3 because the shields are more effective. Gael was the most fun fight in the series for me.

  7. 3 weeks ago

    so you really gotta write all this out just to justify the expense and time sink into what you do?

    • 3 weeks ago

      Prob best to just ignore the autism and discuss Dork Soys until it gets baleeted.

  8. 3 weeks ago

    OP is a dumb poorfag. Film cameras that shot over 10fps were popular and 35mm was only dominant because it lent itself to manic spraying and praying. Magazine backs held hundreds of 12-20mp raws with full color depth. Digital would not surpass this until the 2010s.

    The vast majority of serious photographers treated film like a limitless resource. Wedding ‘togs hauled CRATES of film. Garry winogrand is estimated to have spent an inflation adjusted $2mil on crappy b&w.

    Just because you’re a broke bitch doesnt mean film requires playing camera operator pro
    AND just because you’re good at using a camera, doesnt mean you’re a good photographer. I worked at a film lab for a while and I know the type

    Every single frame is a keeper. Perfectly exposed. Focus nailed. Horizons dead level. Perspective totally straight. 0 clearly unintended motion blur. Flawless tracking shots. Tack sharp lenses. No distortion. No vignetting. No aberrations. And literally EVERY SINGLE FRAME of EVERY SINGLE ROLL is…
    Their cat
    Their dog
    Their kid
    Or a car
    No artistic substance whatsoever, just a master snapshitter who mastered buying gear.

    Is that you?

    • 3 weeks ago

      that is op, and he is the guy patronizing your lab because he doesnt know that a color negative is actually a decently high resolution (i’ve heard 35mm vision 250d is about 24mp with a digital-grade lens) 16 bit tiff with 13 stops of DR and therefore oodles of editing room. a lot of famous photos were cropped and leveled too… jej

    • 3 weeks ago


      Massive cope. Digifags btfo time and time again.

  9. 3 weeks ago

    cheap eos 1v off ebay will blow through a roll in 3.5 seconds with constant af tracking
    older cameras were about as fast as a sony a7iv in full raws mode (6-7fps)

    • 3 weeks ago

      More gear hilarity

      You guys dont understand how many digital wonders were just playing catch up. The megapixel wars arent even done because digital will still have moire issues even by the time its outresolving 4x5 tmax.

  10. 3 weeks ago

    So much digital cope in this thread lol.
    Nobody is buying it you guys are using baby gear which has been made retard proof in every way possible. Don’t pretend otherwise.

    An old manual focus film camera used by most film shooters on p is not doing 10fps. It’s 1 photo per few seconds if you want to nail focus. Film shooters have a way higher skill level required to get photos.

    Op is correct, good post.

    • 3 weeks ago

      So you are the type

      OP is a dumb poorfag. Film cameras that shot over 10fps were popular and 35mm was only dominant because it lent itself to manic spraying and praying. Magazine backs held hundreds of 12-20mp raws with full color depth. Digital would not surpass this until the 2010s.

      The vast majority of serious photographers treated film like a limitless resource. Wedding ‘togs hauled CRATES of film. Garry winogrand is estimated to have spent an inflation adjusted $2mil on crappy b&w.

      Just because you’re a broke bitch doesnt mean film requires playing camera operator pro
      AND just because you’re good at using a camera, doesnt mean you’re a good photographer. I worked at a film lab for a while and I know the type

      Every single frame is a keeper. Perfectly exposed. Focus nailed. Horizons dead level. Perspective totally straight. 0 clearly unintended motion blur. Flawless tracking shots. Tack sharp lenses. No distortion. No vignetting. No aberrations. And literally EVERY SINGLE FRAME of EVERY SINGLE ROLL is…
      Their cat
      Their dog
      Their kid
      Or a car
      No artistic substance whatsoever, just a master snapshitter who mastered buying gear.

      Is that you?

      knows then?
      >i swear im not no pleb i am excellent at buying only the sharpest leica lenses and i am very careful about nailing focus
      >building corner
      >gas station
      Yeah ok so this was about larp boxes and not over 80% of working film cameras (autofocus SLRs) and you pride yourself in spot metering the grass before shooting? Congrats gearfag. The defining achievement of your photographic career is the gear you used. I repeat
      The defining achievement of your photographic career is the gear you used.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Umm naked women and landscapes for me and I use a hand held light meter or app on my phone to meter.

        I purposely use a fully manual om1 for exact reasons in the op
        Also the photos have more soul.

        • 3 weeks ago

          I use a digital camera too on the same shoots so very clearly see the difference.
          Digital is so easy it’s laughable, instant see photo, sliders can basically save anything in raw, autofocus,
          Film I have to nail exposure or it’s over, I can’t see my photo, I only get 36 attempts, countless things can go wrong if film wasn’t loaded properly, manual focus, have to use a seperate light meter which is a whole art in and of itself.

          • 3 weeks ago

            >36 exposures
            So you're on easy mode roll film?

            • 3 weeks ago

              Elden ring version of film.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >umm naked women
          mmm hmmm

          I use a digital camera too on the same shoots so very clearly see the difference.
          Digital is so easy it’s laughable, instant see photo, sliders can basically save anything in raw, autofocus,
          Film I have to nail exposure or it’s over, I can’t see my photo, I only get 36 attempts, countless things can go wrong if film wasn’t loaded properly, manual focus, have to use a seperate light meter which is a whole art in and of itself.

          mmm hmmm

  11. 3 weeks ago

    >filmtards: big tldr rant about video games
    >anti-gear chads: reason and logic about how equipment wank doesn't actually make sense, and doesn't mean you're any good at making photographs instead of using and buying equipment
    >filmtards: samefagging and reaction images
    It is becoming clear to me that the most vocal minority of Wyato's film shooters are mostly children, and I mean under 18 children
    The "film is a limited resource" shit really sells it. Dude, it is ten bucks. TEN. BUCKS. I shoot 10 rolls a week. That is still less money than your mother spent on mcdonalds. I think I should up it to 12.

    What's your photography even like? Everything within 10 blocks of your parents apartment?

    • 3 weeks ago

      What do you expect from this place? Atleast the film goofing is funnier than the exact same tech arguments you read in every gearfag thread.

      What do your pics look like? You sure do take a lot!

    • 3 weeks ago

      It’s a blue board I can’t post the film nudes sadly.
      Also it’s $35 per roll in Australia once you add in cost of developing.
      And yeah that’s about 2 visits to McDonald’s. Shooting nudes was never for poor people anyway it’s a sure way to end up with less money than you started with once locations etc come into it.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >does not develop himself
        >does not sail to japan to buy film in bulk
        >thinks he is better than other people because his camera is old and he is very careful with the focus ring
        >all this while being a nophoto and making excuses
        gearfags never cease to drop to new lows of being fucking pathetic, do they

      • 3 weeks ago

        > So sad I have all those great pictures it kills me to not post them but the tragedy noooes I cannot post nudes on a blue board

        Everyone knows you can post nudes here, because it's every nophoto fav fake excuse excuse. Everyone knows you're lying about the nudes, you either shoot nudes and also have pictures that are not explicit to post or are just plainly lying about shooting nudes. Just embrace being a no photo like everyone else, there would be more dignity into it.

    • 3 weeks ago

      filmfags gotta write tldr greentexts and make memes to cope with how the whole world ditched their entire medium all the way up to 4x5 because it turns out a 50mp canon DSLR with a $500 tamron prime outresolves the sharpest, ultra low speed color films you can buy even if you go full wanker on the glass you put in front of it and shoot 6x9 and 4x5 only. skillfully shot 4x5 can still outdo a GFX100, sorta, it's very slight.

      serious artistes have largely fled to 8x10 and 4x5 to maintain the illusion of superiority. the biggest film consumer is hollywood - one part DPs are just used to it, one part resolution doesn't ruin movies but trying to edit moire out of every frame (digital's one remaining problem... wont go away until foveon can do a passable ISO 6400) might ruin your already stretched vfx budget. and it's not like they absolutely can't deal with it. every year it seems one less movie is shot on film and kodak is producing a little less of it. the medium is simply inferior outside of a few quirks and only a total semiconductor production shutdown could convince anyone to bring it back.

      >tldr this
      >tldr that
      nagger YOU are the tldr. And to put this matter to rest you can spend as much or as little as you want on film as you can on digital cameras, but being a gearfag in general is gay.

  12. 3 weeks ago

    Everyone is so mad and it's great.

  13. 3 weeks ago

    filmfags gotta write tldr greentexts and make memes to cope with how the whole world ditched their entire medium all the way up to 4x5 because it turns out a 50mp canon DSLR with a $500 tamron prime outresolves the sharpest, ultra low speed color films you can buy even if you go full wanker on the glass you put in front of it and shoot 6x9 and 4x5 only. skillfully shot 4x5 can still outdo a GFX100, sorta, it's very slight.

    serious artistes have largely fled to 8x10 and 4x5 to maintain the illusion of superiority. the biggest film consumer is hollywood - one part DPs are just used to it, one part resolution doesn't ruin movies but trying to edit moire out of every frame (digital's one remaining problem... wont go away until foveon can do a passable ISO 6400) might ruin your already stretched vfx budget. and it's not like they absolutely can't deal with it. every year it seems one less movie is shot on film and kodak is producing a little less of it. the medium is simply inferior outside of a few quirks and only a total semiconductor production shutdown could convince anyone to bring it back.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Imagine writing all of that and still having to concede film is superior because no moire.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I too have noticed that filmfags always start the fight.

      Imagine writing all of that and still having to concede film is superior because no moire.

      Brush over it and drag a slider. Raws get developed just like exposed sheets. Digital cameras are closer to medium format and sheet film than 35mm unless you’re a fujislug/foolturd and should be treated as such.

    • 3 weeks ago

      You think resolving detail is photography lel.

      • 3 weeks ago

        you think paying per shot is photography
        funnier you think that makes you better because you cant afford to

        • 3 weeks ago

          >paying = bad
          ok fucking pinko

        • 3 weeks ago

          Lol I write off all my personal film which is like maybe a roll or two a month and all the 120 gets included in shoot budgets. Threads like this make me feel very smug ngl.

          • 3 weeks ago


            Proof. Film being better is common knowledge anyways, which is why you're seething so hard.


            I wouldn't say it's universally "better" but it is more fun. It's certainly not better for things like journalism where you're rushing to get the shot and have it published before the 50 other journos beside you, which is done in a matter of seconds nowadays. Multiple versions of articles are pre-written with image templates waiting to go live with 2 clicks. For the general enthusiast though, yeah it's better.


            Film is more the Majora's Mask to Ocarina of Time in the LoZ series limited to the scope of early 2000's but in a more -slike way to photography.

            still no photos.

            >I think because you know you're being a homosexual and you don't want that homosexualry brought up when you finally do post [a photo]

            • 3 weeks ago

              wrong, it probably was a little too highbrow for you, zoomer

            • 3 weeks ago

              Sorry not everyone gets to go pro.

  14. 3 weeks ago

    Shooting Chinese film on a Soviet camera is the Drakengard of photography

    • 2 weeks ago

      qrd + redpill on chinese film?

  15. 3 weeks ago

    >lazy, poorfag digislug zoomers getting big mad because film isn't conducive to their low effort mass snapshitting
    Their whole thing is throwing as much shit at the wall as they can in the hopes that something sticks. Plenty does stick as well since they only have to impress one another, and none have any skill or standards. The participation trophy generation.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >get a job
      >now you can snapshit on film
      There goes your trophy

      • 3 weeks ago

        >digislugs are unemployed

        • 3 weeks ago

          >digislugs are overspending gearfags
          >no i mean they're jobless

          >paying = bad
          ok fucking pinko

          >the defining aspect of my photography is that i pay for it btw film is cheaper than digital because uhhh.... upgrading is mandatory!
          >me, with the same a7iii i bought for $600 2 years ago: is it?
          filmfag cope always gets old because its always the same thing
          oh and they always start the fire, they always find the justification, i dont see no "digital is the starcraft of photography and film is for shitty photographers leaning on lomography" around these parts because only an idiot would think that (like OP is also an idiot)

          they are insecure. filmfags are EXTREMELY insecure. extremely hostile. bitchy. persistently aggressive. they never shut up, they never stop saying "I AM FUCKING BETTER THAN YOUUUUUU". why? how insecure does someone have to be do to this, in at least one new thread a week

          • 3 weeks ago

            they're narcissists
            simple as

            it's a social media trend, narcissists are inevitable.

          • 3 weeks ago

            >caps rage
            Looks like you may have been successfully trolled, m80.

            • 3 weeks ago

              >im so persistently stupid, people get angry at me. i win.
              >this is my third "film is better than digital, and film photographers are better people" attack thread this week
              >i am such a winner, people are now starting to hate me and people like me unprompted and build up a repertoire of hate based on all the argumetns i've had with them
              being an internet troll has never won anyone any prizes
              unless a mental illness diagnosis is a prize these days

              i will take solace in the fact that larp box availability will plummet, costs will skyrocket, and more color films will be discontinued or replaced with rebranded kodak gold in the future. also when you ask which digital camera to switch to for the film experience i will recommend the most expensive, least well specced one i can think of, argue from "being based on le chan", and you will fall for it, because tbh you probably are a narcissist and "being based on the chan" is more important than anything actually photography related

              • 3 weeks ago

                My one post itt:

                >digislugs are unemployed

                3 words is all it took.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >entire thread of inflammatory rants and statements, started with an inflammatory rant
                >People are mad just because of me UwU i am such a better person i only needed 3 words and that is totally my only post UwU see how i am better? the best?

                I mean this emphatically: Seek therapy.
                >i'm just trol-
                You are acting a certain way that normal, happy people do not, ever.
                >i-it was a prank b-
                Seek therapy. Unfortunately the nature of your disorder precludes seeking therapy as that would mean admitting that you might actually be worse than other people.

          • 3 weeks ago

            This post screams insecure. Engaging with the film is better people is an act of true insecurity.

            • 3 weeks ago

              You know this is such a textbook interaction they detailed it in the psych 101 class i took for easy credits?
              >Fuck you! Fuck you! Worthless! Stupid! Wrong! Inferior! Worse than me!
              >no fuck YO-
              >Woah there calm down child. Just move oooon. I am the better person (as always) just look at how reasonable i've decided to be.
              Basic gaslighting. I mean literally everyone with your complex/disorder does this at some point, it's the logical conclusion of your neurosis. The unique brand of egotism and insecurity that infests your mind is impossible for you to accept. Everyone else is always the problem. They just need to shut up and listen - to you, and let your opinions be because they are correct and if they have a problem they should just let you talk.

              That's what makes it a disorder because like this, you can not function as a human being.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >entire thread of inflammatory rants and statements, started with an inflammatory rant
                >People are mad just because of me UwU i am such a better person i only needed 3 words and that is totally my only post UwU see how i am better? the best?

                I mean this emphatically: Seek therapy.
                >i'm just trol-
                You are acting a certain way that normal, happy people do not, ever.
                >i-it was a prank b-
                Seek therapy. Unfortunately the nature of your disorder precludes seeking therapy as that would mean admitting that you might actually be worse than other people.

                textbook example of autistic meltdown

              • 3 weeks ago

                I am an outside observer merely making an observation on your posts.

          • 3 weeks ago


            they're narcissists
            simple as

            it's a social media trend, narcissists are inevitable.

            >filmfags are narcissists because, because
            >because they make film related threads!
            >on a photography imageboard!
            Absolutely seething. Filmchads stay unbothered.

            • 3 weeks ago

              >filmfags are narcissists because they start nophoto gear arguments where the only real topic is no matter what claims are made they will say “so thats why film is better and i am better for shooting film”
              You’re slimy insecure and aggressive and make a solid argument for banning anyone who uses anything but a nex 5 and a ttartisan 35mm

              I fucking wish digitalfags were insecure and aggressive enough to be as proactively shit as you because then you’d have deserving company instead of just being a gaslighting little shit with a brain disorder

              • 3 weeks ago

                so unbothered you’ve made 2 threads, moved every goalpost, and keep trying to piss people off to prove, what? why do we never see threads just claiming that digital is better? seems its always a response to your claims, never the first move.

                so unbothered but so aggressive, it doesnt make sense. something bothers you into acting like a chimp

                This thread was about how a videogame is similar to film photography. Nobody is taking this seriously but you. Stop embarassing yourself.

            • 3 weeks ago

              so unbothered you’ve made 2 threads, moved every goalpost, and keep trying to piss people off to prove, what? why do we never see threads just claiming that digital is better? seems its always a response to your claims, never the first move.

              so unbothered but so aggressive, it doesnt make sense. something bothers you into acting like a chimp

              • 3 weeks ago

                he didn't make the thread, I did and I never said film was better, I just pointed out it provides a sense of tension that isn't present in digital that I enjoy and how this is similar to why I enjoyed dark souls. You spergs of course don't have any reading comprehension and missed the point entirely.

              • 3 weeks ago

                I bet that guy watches lots of sports ball.

  16. 3 weeks ago

    >look, i made them mad
    >i am not mad
    >because i am not mad, i am the sanest person in the room
    >there must be something wrong with the mad people
    >i mean, i'm not even the one who made them mad, i'm just coincidentally agreeing that they shouldn't be mad, and should have just let him insult them
    >just let it go bro, also you suck. dont get mad. you worthless homosexual. ah ah ah! dont get mad. if you get mad you lose, you worthless cock sucker, idiot, incapable, incompetent, inferior... ah ah! dont get mad! if you are mad, i am better than you.
    >once again the narcissist is better than everyone else
    whats next, they start accusing the people who unsurprisingly get mad after repeated attacks? like they did with 4x5 dude? literally a repeat of this behavior pattern
    >fuck yo-
    >uhhhh you took the bait i guess that makes you an attention whore not me

    so, same type of thread remade next week? this is #2.


    >inb4 nooo this is a meltdown because i made you mad i am better than you

    • 3 weeks ago

      >entire thread of inflammatory rants and statements, started with an inflammatory rant
      >People are mad just because of me UwU i am such a better person i only needed 3 words and that is totally my only post UwU see how i am better? the best?

      I mean this emphatically: Seek therapy.
      >i'm just trol-
      You are acting a certain way that normal, happy people do not, ever.
      >i-it was a prank b-
      Seek therapy. Unfortunately the nature of your disorder precludes seeking therapy as that would mean admitting that you might actually be worse than other people.

      You know this is such a textbook interaction they detailed it in the psych 101 class i took for easy credits?
      >Fuck you! Fuck you! Worthless! Stupid! Wrong! Inferior! Worse than me!
      >no fuck YO-
      >Woah there calm down child. Just move oooon. I am the better person (as always) just look at how reasonable i've decided to be.
      Basic gaslighting. I mean literally everyone with your complex/disorder does this at some point, it's the logical conclusion of your neurosis. The unique brand of egotism and insecurity that infests your mind is impossible for you to accept. Everyone else is always the problem. They just need to shut up and listen - to you, and let your opinions be because they are correct and if they have a problem they should just let you talk.

      That's what makes it a disorder because like this, you can not function as a human being.

      Righteous meltdown hitting nail after nail. Trolls feelings got hurt back and they cant figure out how to respond without losing their own game. Top kek.

  17. 3 weeks ago

    Trolls systematically btfo and accurately psychoanalyzed and they cant even break from their predicted script.

    Filmfags have laid claim to most pathetic people on Wyato - could it be a high effort false flag due to the mental illness?

    • 3 weeks ago

      Righteous meltdown hitting nail after nail. Trolls feelings got hurt back and they cant figure out how to respond without losing their own game. Top kek.

      who are you talking to man

      • 3 weeks ago

        Try not to gaslight after being psychoanalyzed as a narcissist lol the point of being a troll is to defy expectations not to be pathetic and predictable
        inb4 you do it again
        inb4 another film > digital thread
        inb4 “4x5 dude is a zoophile”

        • 3 weeks ago

          his biggest mistake was making a second thread

          it reminds me of that manic idiot that made 8 “m43>ff” threads

  18. 3 weeks ago


    A giant text wall of COPE. Simply put, film is infinitely better than digital, and anyone who says otherwise is jobless, a gearfag and has no appreciation for the medium. Simple as.

    • 3 weeks ago


    • 3 weeks ago


      Pathetic samefag from our resident nophoto gearfag

      • 3 weeks ago

        Proof. Film being better is common knowledge anyways, which is why you're seething so hard.

        • 3 weeks ago

          I wouldn't say it's universally "better" but it is more fun. It's certainly not better for things like journalism where you're rushing to get the shot and have it published before the 50 other journos beside you, which is done in a matter of seconds nowadays. Multiple versions of articles are pre-written with image templates waiting to go live with 2 clicks. For the general enthusiast though, yeah it's better.

  19. 3 weeks ago

    So anyways, how about that Knight Artorias? Pretty angry dude.

  20. 3 weeks ago

    Film is more the Majora's Mask to Ocarina of Time in the LoZ series limited to the scope of early 2000's but in a more -slike way to photography.

  21. 3 weeks ago

    I'm not any of these anons but I just find it funny how a schizo thread gets way more traction than photo threads on a Wyatohoto board, so here's a photo!

    • 3 weeks ago

      We’re not posting photos here were having a discussion about how and why film is better and comparing it to the best videogames.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >I just find it funny how a schizo thread gets way more traction than photo threads on a Wyatohoto board
      Why do you think I make shitpost threads nonstop?

      >post a genuine, well thought out response to a question
      No reply, not even a thank you
      >post a photo I like
      gets ignored or a very low effort """critique"""
      >make up some stupid bullshit about: mirrorless vs dslr or film vs digital or full frame vs mft
      gets dozens of responses, thread is active and hilarious

      There simply is no reward for talking about photography seriously. Nobody cares, you know what people do care about? Getting defensive about gear and responding to bait posts. So that's what I do. Don't like it? Fix the board.

    • 3 weeks ago

      This is a nice Seinfeld pic
      because there is NO SUBJECT

  22. 3 weeks ago

    I never played dark souls, i was more of a tf2 and bf3 kinda guy

    • 3 weeks ago

      I never played any of these, I grew up with rts like red alert and starcraft

    • 3 weeks ago

      Cool, I had TF2 and DOD:S servers up for years.

      I never played any of these, I grew up with rts like red alert and starcraft

      Vanilla C&C here, plus Covert Operations on DOS. Missed out on Red Alert as a kid but did get the remaster.

  23. 3 weeks ago

    Film photography is the Crash Bandicoot to digital cameras’ Banjo Kazooie

    • 3 weeks ago

      >refuses to elaborate further

      • 3 weeks ago

        Its the Helldivers to digital cameras’s Lethal Company?

        • 3 weeks ago

          Lethal Company looks like a fun co-op game, any photographic niche for this feel?
          Perhaps something akin to the L4D2 of film photography?

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