how do you cope with the libtard shit in briefs?

how does Wyato cope with the libtard shit in briefs? currently doing a course at uni for graphic design (yes, i'm a retard, i know) and one brief is to work with a publisher to make an experimental book design based on a real section of text.

the thing is one book is some gay black guy jerking himself off for being black and gay, and the other is going "muh i'm a pregnant woman in a world that is climate fucked".

is this all it is? doing briefs for libshits like these? or is this just university being university?

  1. 5 months ago

    Sorry your reaction brain rot makes you see danger everywhere. Maybe you're too soft for this job.

  2. 5 months ago

    you are a service provider.
    provide services or die of hunger.
    easy as that.

    • 5 months ago

      This. I'm a neo nazi and my day job consists of adding logos to images and making sure each image has a black person in it. Every state funded institution is woke so it comes with the territory.

    • 5 months ago

      This, pretty much.

      There's a lesson to be learned, albeit unwittingly provided by whoever chose that text:

      Professionalism in any communication related field often requires an ability to separate your work from your personal views, or to pay a price for standing on conflicting principles. That price could be anything from losing a job to just looking foolish and retarded and damaging your reputation for being a serious professional. Others may applaud and reward you, so it's your call which path and whose approval is more valuable and important to maintaining your personal integrity.
      At the very least you need to have *some* restraint when it comes to wearing those values on your sleeve if you expect to have any appeal to a wide range of clients.

      In this case the school is driving home this lesson while failing miserably at applying it...they'd probably be happy to know that their agenda pushing was met with disdain, but that's not any great skill; learning how to work with people who don't share your views (and would be antagonistic towards you of they did) without them knowing is a far better skill to develop for a number of reasons.

      At this juncture they are a known quantity to you, but you aren't to them...that's to your advantage.

      • 5 months ago

        >albeit unwittingly provided by whoever chose that text
        lol you are a homosexual

        • 5 months ago

          t. Unironically apes "Idiocracy" and is proud of it.

          • 5 months ago

            at least I am not trying to egoboost myself by simply paraphrasing what others added to the conversation before me.

            I never met an actually intelligent person who liked that movie. it is midwit feel-good adulation and absolutely boring filmmaking. change my mind.

            • 5 months ago

              >at least I am not trying to egoboost myself by simply paraphrasing what others added to the conversation before me.

              Correct, you are trying to egoboost yourself by juvenile name calling that adds nothing of value to the conversation, while preening about it like the proverbial chess playing pigeon.

              No surprise that you didn't get "Idiocracy", the subjects of insightful satire often don't .

              >I never met an actually intelligent person

              This I can believe, although one has to wonder: how would you know?

              • 5 months ago

                >I am not a homosexual but a butthurt homosexual

      • 5 months ago

        that sounds like some high grade copium. so you're telling me you either sell out or die? you hang around people you hate for long enough you turn into em

        • 5 months ago

          >fails to come up with another solution
          many such cases.

        • 5 months ago

          > so you're telling me you either sell out or die?

          What a overwrought, melodramatic and downright stupid interpretation of what was actually said in the post you are responding to.

        • 5 months ago

          Holy fuck it's just a job that makes money. If you're that fucking proud against "selling out" then stick to drawing Pokemon fanart on Twitter and complaining about your $15k/yr Walgreens job like everyone else.

        • 5 months ago

          >people who don't share your views
          >people you hate

          Sorry, you have to be at least nine to post here.

  3. 5 months ago

    If you know exactly what you want to do after graduation (which most media students don't) you'll tune out all the uni lib culture and focus on learning the skills to succeed. If you're half competent professors acknowledge that and will help you find work.

  4. 5 months ago

    I'm a photographer who hates gays but does gay weddings because I'm siphoning their resources

  5. 5 months ago

    Is the second one lib? Wtf?

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