How do you guys find meaning in making ad designs?

I just graduated art uni and will prob work as a graphic designer (cause that was the plan) but I feel I lost the want for it, in uni I started liking art and respecting it. Now making ads seems so.... wrong and sad. But its the smart and safe choice to take that job.. how do you guys find meaning in what you do?

  1. 12 months ago

    Money is the meaning. What the fuck are you on about? If you like art, do it when you're off the clock.

    Fuck is wrong with this generation thinking that everything they do in life is supposed to make them happy 24 hours of every day. Jesus, just grow a pair.

    • 12 months ago

      Nice wagecuck take, yeah I'm noot gunna do that lol

      • 12 months ago

        You'll end up broke and drawing shitty art and jerking off until you are 50 and realize that doing what makes you happy all the time makes you unhappy in the long run.

        Doing my "wagecuck" job earns me six figures, and that's without bonuses or freelance work. Live a comfortable life doing soulless designs for 30 hours a week and gaming, hanging out with my GF, and working on passion projects the rest of the time. Being a "wagecuck" and not doing what makes me happy for 30 hours a week gives me the freedom to be really happy the rest of my life.

        Hopefully you'll have a nice day before you realize you pissed your one chance at life away.

        • 12 months ago

          not that anon.

          my problem is not that I think you'd be wrong, but that you are choosing a language to make it sound like there would not be another option or possibility.
          it is a path. and I agree that there are ideas to be learned from it.

          good for you that it suits the particular situation you are finding yourself in. but it is neither ultimate nor universal.

        • 12 months ago

          The most basic take ever, also not true, ur argument is to wagecuck n die. Ur money is useless cuz ull spend most of ur life making tacky ads thats rly pathetic by that logic u support onlyfans whores cuz muh money
          >the freedom
          Yeah thats not freedom
          >piss one chance in life
          Its rly ez to get a job like that if u got talent, plus my msin goal was never to wagecuck lol
          >30h a week
          So u dont even work a normal job lol
          Anyways ur a sad person who only has money yo brag ab, well so do I.. I rly dont care ab ur little wage dude

          • 12 months ago

            good lord he said he does it to be able and do other things as well that he finds fulfilling.

            dafuq are you guys six years old?

            • 12 months ago

              A life should be ab doing thing you like most of the time, not >i hope my boss will let me
              Fuck off with that

              • 12 months ago

                you are six then.

            • 12 months ago

              Not that issue with his take is that he (and the OP) act as if a professional graphic design career is limited to creating advertising, which is as stupid as believing that capitalizing on the skills for a career in carpentry mean you must build houses nearly full time or you will die peniless.

              It may be the path of least resistance for someone with less than remarkable skills and/or ambition, but that's a matter of character and not some stark reality of earning/career possibilities in the field of GD.

              Insisting that it's the latter is just lazy cope.

              • 12 months ago
              • 12 months ago

                oh? And what have you created that made you money, happy, and wasn't one of the regular disciplines of graphic design? I'm gonna bet you've done fuck all and aren't even a graphic designer lol

                Ads, branding, and that sort of shit is the end all be all of the graphic design profession, if you think it's anything else you are a bona fide retard

              • 12 months ago

                LMAO, there's shit tons of graphic design work that has nothing to do with advertising, retard .

                I've been paid to do graphic design and layout work for everything from greeting cards and stationary to gift and novelty items (ever hear of bumper stickers?), textiles and wallpaper and ceramics, safety and informational signage, museum displays, book publishing, art and architectural glass and stone etching, educational materials, toys, awards...

                JFC, this board never fails to give a voice to the most proudly ignorant halfwits.

              • 12 months ago

                That's impressive, as a starting gder I'm always fascinated by people who have this swiss knife set of skills and experience. Although for me I'd love to specialise somewhere.

              • 12 months ago

                >everything from greeting cards and stationary to gift and novelty items (ever hear of bumper stickers?), textiles and wallpaper and ceramics, safety and informational signage, museum displays, book publishing, art and architectural glass and stone etching, educational materials, toys, awards...
                Literally everything you mentioned is advertising. You are indeed a retarded homosexual who thinks what he is doing is art, when all it really is is garbage ads. You are right, this board is full of morons, you being first and foremost.

              • 12 months ago

                "You are the first and foremost moron" don't use phrases just because you hear them on TV you fucking child. Creating something is producing something and the act of producing is the creation of a product. I'm sorry you're having baby's first punk rock crisis, but if you don't think art is valuable just because it's an advertisement for itself then you need to learn about the history of fucking art.

                Go and live in a world without artists designing the shit you interact with, you actual human tapeworm.

              • 12 months ago

                Already am living in that world. No product is designed by an artist. They are designed by product designers, graphic designers, and engineers. None of which are artists you massive homosexual. I'm not the one living out my delusion over my job being more important than it is. I design for it's function, and I make tons of money doing so. You make shit and call yourself an artist. Why don't you go with the other artists like Kevin Spacey and Woody Allen and fuck some minors. Or better yet, just do like Kurt Cobain paint your ceiling.

              • 12 months ago

                I am 100% confident you suck ass at everything you do and the world would be a genuinely better place in every conceivable way without you in it. If you respond to this you're mad.

              • 12 months ago

                lol who would even care what you are confident about? living with mommy or what?

                >if you respond to this you are mad.
                no u

              • 12 months ago

                You "graphic design is muh passion"-people make me sick

              • 12 months ago

                "You are the first and foremost moron" don't use phrases just because you hear them on TV you fucking child. Creating something is producing something and the act of producing is the creation of a product. I'm sorry you're having baby's first punk rock crisis, but if you don't think art is valuable just because it's an advertisement for itself then you need to learn about the history of fucking art.

                Go and live in a world without artists designing the shit you interact with, you actual human tapeworm.

                imagine being one of these knob heads who are clearly too dumb to see how their ideas are naturally flawed and only capture a cherry picked part of actual reality, being protective about their little uninteresting identities nobody cares about.

              • 12 months ago

                Imagine being the homosexual who read all of that and needed validation enough to actually comment about it

              • 12 months ago

                isn't it nice to be sharing personal traits? 🙂

              • 12 months ago

                So in your mind picrel is "advertising"?

                No wonder you are angry and lash out at the world like a not very bright wounded animal.

              • 12 months ago

                closer to an ad than art, that's for sure

              • 12 months ago

                good answer. I agree.

              • 12 months ago

                closer to an ad than art, that's for sure

                Nobody said it was "art"( which was never the subject itt), only that lile countless others, that industry involves paid graphic design work and that design/ layout isn't advertising.

              • 12 months ago

                no. we were talking fulfilling. and this does not seem much more so than doing ads. it is pure kitsch. a repetitive, mechanical, boring taskwork you do for money.

              • 12 months ago

                Sounds like you just hate the idea of work in general, and make ridiculous assumptions and ignorant declarations about the subject in a desperate attempt to confirm that bias.
                You will never be "fulfilled" beyond the cheap thrill you get from being a whiney disruptive shithead.

              • 12 months ago

                well if you find drawing leaves on glass panes for tasteless upper class people fulfilling, go for it!

                I personally do go for stuff like that sometimes. but not because it is divine, or emotionally "oh so enriching". but because it pays.

                that is the whole point of one side in the debate here.
                trying to find meaning in graphic design is putting faith in the wrong narrative.
                and acting as if your bath image contains any secrets leading to more of that sweet, sweet meaning is just as delusional.
                the current economic system constantly mechanizes, sucks out the soul and standardizes (for understandable reasons). are you really hoping to be finding true purpose in that environment? sounds like you fell for the most basic capitalist propaganda ideology "it is your responsibility to make work fulfilling. now swallow that crunch in fear of being replaced, because you are goddamn lucky, you sunnofabitch".

              • 12 months ago

                >not because it is divine, or emotionally "oh so enriching".
                >that is the whole point of one side in the debate here.
                >trying to find meaning in graphic design is putting faith in the wrong narrative.
                >acting as if your bath image contains any secrets leading to more of that sweet, sweet meaning is just as delusional.

                LMAO, nice strawman rant, nobody ever saidxanything like that. Your entire premise is not even accurate, the claim being responded to was that all graphic design is advertising, and it simply is not.

                OP expressed dissatisfaction with doing ads, you are ranting endlessly as if there is no possibility of finding personal fulfillment in work, which isnt just stupid, it's pathetic cope from someone who is spiritually retarded and desperate to validate his choices.

                Regardless, the fact remains that not all professional graphic design is advertising by any stretch of the imagination, and people who aren't soulless misanthropes can and do find meaning and fulfillment in many aspects of all kinds of work, including GD that you sneer at...if you can't comprehend that it's your problem, not a flaw on the part of people who enjoy aspects of their work besides the money.

              • 12 months ago

                closer to an ad than art, that's for sure

                closer to an ad than art

                well if you find drawing leaves on glass panes for tasteless upper class people fulfilling, go for it!

                I personally do go for stuff like that sometimes. but not because it is divine, or emotionally "oh so enriching". but because it pays.

                that is the whole point of one side in the debate here.
                trying to find meaning in graphic design is putting faith in the wrong narrative.
                and acting as if your bath image contains any secrets leading to more of that sweet, sweet meaning is just as delusional.
                the current economic system constantly mechanizes, sucks out the soul and standardizes (for understandable reasons). are you really hoping to be finding true purpose in that environment? sounds like you fell for the most basic capitalist propaganda ideology "it is your responsibility to make work fulfilling. now swallow that crunch in fear of being replaced, because you are goddamn lucky, you sunnofabitch".

                yes. closer to an ad than art

                BUT NOT AN AD

                nobody said it IS an ad. everybody said it is more similar to an ad than you might realize.
                there are more dimensions to it. and you dismissing those that are being discussed will not change a thing.

                as I said. if you are hoping for fulfillment in the graphic design business, go for it.
                but I do wonder for how many people that one checks out.
                it truly seems like the same delusional attitude like that of aspiring game devs, regretting the field they went for with simply made up wishes and intentions that have very little grounding in reality.

                there are instances of those for which it worked out, like golden carrots on the other end of the stick driving you.

                my advice once again: don't hope for spiritual enlightenment in your job.
                it is a means to survive in todays society.
                it is what I said before.
                and it is my whole point.

              • 12 months ago

                Nobody said fuck all about "art" but you, more strawman bullcrap.

              • 12 months ago

                this anon did

                closer to an ad than art, that's for sure

                also what i the problem with bringing art into the equation?
                seems like it is directly linked to the topic anyways.

              • 12 months ago

                Because it's a strawman argument attempting to deflect from the fact that the claim that all graphic design is advertising is stupid and was proven to be so by a single image.

                Pic related.

              • 12 months ago

                That's selling a product, the greeting card. Try again. Fucktard.

              • 12 months ago

                What a remarkably cynical take from somebody who clearly isn't fit to do art professionally. It's so one-dimensionally tacky to project your scorn onto the entire industry. Your disillusion is as hackneyed as I'm sure your artwork is. Either act like an artist and make art to make art, or stop telling people you think you know how anything works.

            • 11 months ago

              you are six then.

              Nice wagie cope for not being free

              • 11 months ago

                nice brokie cope, enjoy designing on your 16 year old laptop

        • 11 months ago

          That's nice and all, but breaktime is over, get back to work wagie!

  2. 12 months ago

    >I just graduated art uni

    • 12 months ago

      Nah its one of the good ones, hard to get in but ez to get a job after graduation

  3. 12 months ago

    Bunch of homeless bums are sleeping on hollywood stars. I bet those stars thought they were making a huge difference with their art.
    I find meaning in jesus christ, everything else is just dicking around until the end.

  4. 12 months ago
  5. 12 months ago

    Jobs are just a mean to earn money. You shouldn't look for personal gratification in a job. Sure, there are jobs that feel worse than others, but that's not the point. You can also enjoy improving at your craft and advancing in your field, but that's it, don't expect anything else from a job or you'll eventually get dissapointed, no matter what you do.
    Work to earn money, and use your free time to fulfill your personal passions (making art or whatever it is for you)

  6. 12 months ago

    lol graduated at the worst time
    taught by leftist so subpar because everything you do is great and they wont criticize,, and on top of that AI making it look easy, RIP degree hope you're not in to much debt, but on the plus side McDonalds is always hiring

  7. 12 months ago

    Maybe you should have studied something that's actually essential to society

    • 12 months ago

      erm. you do notice you are repeating OPs initial statement, right?

  8. 12 months ago

    >Money is the meaning.
    Fuck you Goldberg

  9. 12 months ago

    Someone got paid to design picrel, or interpret a client's idea and make it suitable for the finished product.
    It isn't advertising anything, and whether or not anyone considers it "art" is totally irrelevant.

    That graphic designer may derive satisfaction from doing that design work for any number of reasons: accepting a challenge and exceeding people's expectations, developing new skills and techniques and honing their expertise, working with a team of fabricators and installers who make a living based on the company's ability to draw in clients because they like their design work, seeing someone happy because their dream project has just been made more real than they ever imagine it could be...

    It's not about the work being inherently fulfilling or how it might be classified, it's about the attitude of the person doing it.
    Nobody is saying that anyone else needs to have the same feelings about any particular GD work or even that ONLY finding fulfillment in making money is invalid.
    But the person itt expressing that latter position is falling over backwards trying to belittle and invalidate any and all notions that it doesn't *have* to be that way, insisting that his perspective is a universal truth.
    He's mad AF that other people can find pleasure and fulfillment in work beyond the money it provides, and is lashing out at the very idea. Many such cases.

    • 12 months ago

      PS: everything in that middle paragraph can apply to advertising related GD too.

    • 12 months ago

      >It isn't advertising anything, and whether or not anyone considers it "art" is totally irrelevant.
      It is advertising. Anything that draws eyes is advertising. It doesn't need a product name on it to be an ad.. You mong.

      • 12 months ago

        Thanks for proving once again that
        >this board never fails to give a voice to the most proudly ignorant halfwits.

        • 12 months ago

          Thanks for proving once again that
          >you are a homosexual fat neckbeard with no education who needs to neck himself

          • 12 months ago
  10. 12 months ago

    Trying to find deeper fulfillment in art & not religion/spirituality, Ironic.

    • 12 months ago

      The creation and contemplation of art for religious/spiritual development and practices is one of the most commonly shared traits of religions throughout history and across cultures.

      >Creation of Buddhist art is usually done as a meditation as well as creating an object as aid to meditation. An example of this is the creation of a sand mandala by monks; before and after the construction prayers are recited, and the form of the mandala represents the pure surroundings (palace) of a Buddha on which is meditated to train the mind.

      >An icon (from Ancient Greek εἰκών (eikṓn) 'image, resemblance') is a religious work of art, most commonly a painting, in the cultures of the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and Catholic churches. They are not simply artworks; "an icon is a sacred image used in religious devotion".

      >Calligraphy is a highly regarded element of Islamic art. The Qur'an was transmitted in Arabic, and inherent within the Arabic script is the potential for ornamental forms. The employment of calligraphy as ornament had a definite aesthetic appeal but often also included an underlying talismanic component.

  11. 11 months ago

    Shouldn't have gone to college for art

    you won't be doing art you'll just be the slave designer, just another cog in the machine

  12. 11 months ago

    >graduated art uni
    might as well rope yourself now, retard.

  13. 11 months ago

    I found out early on life, 7 years of age actually, that when I’m under pressure, or seemingly outta time, I literally do things at such a nice and surprisingly matter, the final product is in my eyes - a masterpiece. Obviously not perfect, but the piece is such of brilliance, an oddity but sagacity of prowess.

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