I saw a good deal on a Pentax 645d on facebook but I decided to sleep on it and this morning I realized that digital medium format is kind of pointles...

I saw a good deal on a Pentax 645d on facebook but I decided to sleep on it and this morning I realized that digital medium format is kind of pointless because of the bayer filter. You're losing so much information and subjecting the image to so much processing via demosiacing that it's kind of pointless. You should either just shoot actual medium format film or save yourself a massive amount of money and shoot a modern full frame or Foveon camera.

Am I wrong?

  1. 1 month ago

    What is a "good deal" to you?

    • 1 month ago

      It is $1300 for a body with 16k shutter count and a 75mm f/2.8

      • 1 month ago

        For that much you can get a full frame body with the same or higher res with better noise and DR, IBIS, decent AF, and you'll be able to get even faster lenses for it to further increase the gap. MF makes no sense these days unless you're going with one of those modern 100mp bodies, and very few people actually need that (and they're still lacking in other areas compared to FF).

        • 1 month ago

          >even faster lenses
          depends on what you mean by "faster lens"
          if you're using it as shorthand for "shallower DoF" then no, 2.8 is already very wide for MF
          if you mean actually faster (lower light / higher shutter speed) then the larger format is supposed to compensate for the higher noise — but yeah if we're talking digital MF that's not really true any more because no one makes a 120-equivalent sensor

          • 1 month ago

            In terms of depth of field then f/2.8 on the 645D is equivalent to f/2.2 on full frame, so yeah you can get a much shallower depth of field on full frame. In terms of noise advantage DXO don't have anything newer than the X1D-50C and that has less than half a stop better performance than full frame, even if the newest bodies have a full stop advantage then that only requires an f/2 lens on full frame. Even if it was a magical 2 stops, we then have f/1.4 lenses. And on top of that many MF bodies and lenses aren't stabilised.

            • 1 month ago

              aw fuck I'm retarded I forgot we were talking about the 645D specifically
              speaking of stabilized lenses, the only OS lenses Pentax has ever made are for 645s
              the fact they're all "IBIS is gud nuff" for FF/APSC just goes to show how much cope is involved in everything Pentax

              • 1 month ago

                >I forgot we were talking about the 645D specifically
                Does it really matter, are any of the other "medium format" systems actually larger? I just had a quick look and Fuji and Hassy are the same size.

              • 1 month ago

                I was thinking 120 film MF

              • 1 month ago

                >are any of the other "medium format" systems actually larger?
                Phase and the Hasselblad H series.

            • 1 month ago

              Equivalence is a lie
              Larger formats are sharper and have cleaner noise character at the same SNR due to less noise per pixel when using coarser pixel pitches or downsampling room with higher resolution (often a mix of both)
              Ie: your a7rv looks like dogshit compared to 50mp and 100mp crop mf

              • 1 month ago

                DXO takes that into account. As I said MF has about a half stop advantage, that is more than made up for with FF by the availability of faster lenses unless you're shooting at base ISO.

              • 1 month ago

                Anyone buying MF is so attached to base ISO they didnt put many higher ISOs on MF cameras originally

              • 1 month ago

                >they didnt put many higher ISOs on MF cameras originally
                They had the same number of ISO settings as 35mm did.

  2. 1 month ago

    regardless if you're right or wrong it sounds like something you're telling yourself because you don't actually want to spend money. If you want to own a medium format camera in your lifetime then make plans for it. If you don't then don't worry about it

    • 1 month ago

      I don't want to spend the money, because I just spent all my money on other camera stuff. To buy this camera I would need to pull that money out of savings and pay myself back. I'm tempted because it is a good price and I'm curious about the camera, a MF CCD is a cool concept.

      But I also think legitimately that buy a MF film body just makes more sense. The use case I was most imagining for the 645d is portraits and landscapes and I think both of those would be just as good, if not better on film. I already shoot film and my developing reels, tank and scanner all support 120, it's quite a bit larger than any DMF camera and the bodies are cheaper.

      For that much you can get a full frame body with the same or higher res with better noise and DR, IBIS, decent AF, and you'll be able to get even faster lenses for it to further increase the gap. MF makes no sense these days unless you're going with one of those modern 100mp bodies, and very few people actually need that (and they're still lacking in other areas compared to FF).

      >For that much you can get a full frame body with the same or higher res with better noise and DR, IBIS, decent AF, and you'll be able to get even faster lenses for it to further increase the gap
      That's what I said, and I already own one of those full frame cameras. My temptation isn't about image quality. I'm just personally curious about the character of medium format and seeing if it's something I'd enjoy. I also recognize that it's a great deal for that camera if I want one.

      • 1 month ago

        there will be more deals out there anyway. Get a 645n and if you ever want a 645d you can use the same lenses between them

        • 1 month ago

          You're right I should hold off and that's a good point about the 645n, it may be a better starting place and after using it I may not even be interested in the 645d.

        • 1 month ago

          I ended up grabbing a 645(non-n). Are f/2.8 lenses necessary since I'll be manually focusing or are the f/4.5 zooms usable with manual focus?

      • 1 month ago

        >the character of medium format
        Will show best on a proper format like 6x7, not full frame+ lol

  3. 1 month ago

    >realized that digital medium format is kind of pointless because of the bayer filter.
    Anon even before you get to the filter, digital mf is pointless because the sensor is just an obese FF. It might make sense once they give us true 6x6 sensors but otherwise it’s a larp.

  4. 1 month ago

    You made your mistake by assuming how bayer works while possessing an IQ of 83

    It has a wider color gamut than any known film stock and outdoes 50 speed films… shot in 6x7. The only downside is occasional aliasing.

    • 1 month ago

      Honestly, from this one post I know for a fact you only take shitty photos.

      • 1 month ago

        you call a smattering of building corners and gas stations a "portfolio". your crown israeliteel is a 1/2s exposure tracking a fat guy on a bicycle. you do not have a love of photography, but you would love to be seen as a photographer. for the longest time, your favorite brand was fujifilm. when digi prices inflated, you could finally afford real fuji film, but you quickly switched to buying 5 packs of portra. always overexposed one stop. at this point you think your skill developed, and you blame the film. it surely must have made you slow down and think. however, it's at this point when any semblance of talent you had died and you became stagnant and soulless, emptied of life. you know your earlier photographs were more genuine and you hate to admit to it.

        You made your mistake by assuming how bayer works while possessing an IQ of 83

        It has a wider color gamut than any known film stock and outdoes 50 speed films… shot in 6x7. The only downside is occasional aliasing.

        you are most likely israeli and obsessed with getting exactly what your money is worth before you can proceed to enjoy things. and that is all you do with things - enjoy them for yourself rather than seek attention from others with them - because you can scratch that essential human itch by knowing you have superior financial and technical acumen compared to the "goyim". the amount of product trivia you memorize in 15 minutes makes you seem like an expert, but you're not an exceptionally bright mind - not by the standards of your fellow ashkenazim, anyways. you are a fairly standard defense lawyer, dentist, or general practitioner and can't measure up to your cousin ibrahim who served as a member of the house for one term. now your photography, and no photographer would call it that, makes 0 attempt to appeal to others, is disrespectful towards the history your own people built, and has 0 recurrence of common photographic archetypes except in your borderline autojournalistic snapshits. what little you make that is not autojournalistic snapshits is actually good, but for some reason you didn't even upload anything to the internet. nobody outside of your immediate family even knows you own a camera.

        • 1 month ago

          >When a midwit tries their very darndest, but completely misses the mark so badly they sound like a 15 year zach.

          One of the most cringe posts I've ever read on Wyato. I was unsure if pic would ever get beaten, but you did it. At least you have one accomplishment under your belt now! Wow.

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  5. 1 month ago

    >Pentax 645d
    It's not even medium format. It's a crop """medium""" format camera. Why are camera manufacturers like this?

    • 1 month ago

      because there is already barely a use case for digital medium format. True medium format would be way too expensive

    • 1 month ago

      It's Pentax; what do you want from them?

      • 1 month ago

        A medium format camera

        • 1 month ago

          >the pentax 645n

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