If someone has to brand their characters as "OCs" they are not true artists

the last time i drew a character from someone else was in grade school

  1. 1 month ago

    every character you draw should be an "OC"

  2. 1 month ago

    I agree in a sense OP. If you just draw your "OC", and you don't have some storytelling medium they are used in... What are even you doing? Participating in Twitter/DeviantArt OC culture?
    >My oc... He's evil, but loves cupcakes with rainbow sprinkles

    • 1 month ago

      >I agree in a sense OP. If you just draw your "OC", and you don't have some storytelling medium they are used in
      I've got two stories - a novel series, and a series of short stories I'm planning to adapt into a comic when I've got more free time (as in, when I'm out of university). My confusion personally is, what do I even call the characters from those stories? OC feels wrong because of what you guys already pointed out - it generally refers to a character without an established story, or a fan character for an established setting - but I haven't been able to think of a better name for it.

      • 1 month ago

        Protagonists or something

      • 1 month ago

        Characters. Just characters.

    • 4 weeks ago

      a lot of professional artists will just design characters for fun and then later when they're putting pitches together they'll have a library of unused people they slot in places. you see it all the time in interviews and commentaries and stuff.
      the only real difference is just the word "OC," they just call them character drawings (i'd say technique too, but honestly some tumblr/twit artists are pro tier on technique)

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yeah I have always hated the whole concept of calling a character "oc". It's a strange trend that seemingly comes from early 2000s internet fanart.

      It usually means one of two things:
      1) it's a fan character
      2) it's not from anything, but is very two-dimensional and autistic (for lack of a better term)

      Speaking of which, definitely most if not all people who do this are autistic, and autistics have a strange idea of art and media. Very reliant on tropes and surface level information.
      They are quickly satisfied by what is at face vlaue, which is also why they struggle to improve at drawing since they never analyze or take time. An autistic wouldn't even know how to spend more time on a drawing even if you told them to.

      The lack of storytelling with "oc" bothers me too. I get it, everyone's new at some point, but you have to be told sooner or later what you do needs a point. If you just like drawing cool characters, at least learn composition and dynamic posing. Maybe even put a bit of implicit storytelling in the drawing even if you don't have something else to use the character for. These people will list out a bunch of facts about their "oc" but never use that information for anything. Again, this seems to be an autistic impulse. Autisitcs will treat character information like a checklist and nothing else. And once they list out all the adjectives to describe the character, they are satisfied, and feel no reason to actually show these things in action in any way.

  3. 1 month ago

    18 year olds dunking on 16 year olds. Stop gatekeeping just to feel like you have social status, go draw and stop pretending like your judgment on whether or not someone else is a
    'true artist' is something that anyone gives a shit about.

    how many anatomy pages have you finished today?

    • 1 month ago

      >>how many anatomy pages have you finished today?

      actually i rather work on originality than anatomy

      best case you do both well but yeah

    • 1 month ago

      OCs have been some of the cringiest shit going back to the deviantart days in the 00s. It's not some new thing of "18 year olds hating on 16 year olds"

      • 1 month ago

        not that guy, but you just have to get over it, anon. Some people enjoy making up characters and wanking about their backstories and its fun. If you don't get over the cringe factor you won't ever be able to be creative publicly, because its impossible to avoid some sort of misstep or finding your old work being embarrassing.

        in my opinion, the definition has become expended into the common parlance where it no longer exclusively refer to recolored sonic characters in its heydays, but people who made up random characters like some edgy goth teens always existed, but what they called them collectively has never been particularly unified as far as I can tell, but "oc"s are just very convenient descriptors so it was appropriated.

  4. 1 month ago

    Yes retard women have been ruining the art scene since 2016, Glad you've noticed

  5. 1 month ago

    >Another OC thread to shill my OCs in
    thanks OP

    • 1 month ago

      dusty is cute

      • 1 month ago

        Thank you! I'll be sure to make more works with him once I decide on a solid theme for him. He's my protag's bestie afterall so I gotta...


        not that guy, but you just have to get over it, anon. Some people enjoy making up characters and wanking about their backstories and its fun. If you don't get over the cringe factor you won't ever be able to be creative publicly, because its impossible to avoid some sort of misstep or finding your old work being embarrassing.

        in my opinion, the definition has become expended into the common parlance where it no longer exclusively refer to recolored sonic characters in its heydays, but people who made up random characters like some edgy goth teens always existed, but what they called them collectively has never been particularly unified as far as I can tell, but "oc"s are just very convenient descriptors so it was appropriated.

        Pretty much this. It's a universally understood term and works for a reason, plus it's silly to get so bent out of shape over it lol but I'm p sure OP already knew that

    • 1 month ago

      I've looped this a few times already. Thank you for the cute boy ocs, anon.

      • 1 month ago

        >I've looped this a few times already. Thank you for the cute boy ocs, anon.
        Thank you for being so supportive!!

  6. 1 month ago

    Are you seriously gonna go on a tirade over a middle schooler doodle? Are you 12?

  7. 1 month ago

    For me the term "OC" just refers to a character that you haven't included in a published work. Once you put them in a finished project, such as a comic or animation or game, they transition from "Original Character" to "Character from [Project]"

  8. 1 month ago

    I have an oc who posts on Wyato often, he's an artist who rarely draws.

  9. 1 month ago

    I was just thinking about this. OC should stand for original content or original concepts. People are so wound up in developing characters over setting nowadays. Maybe it's the lack of interest in honing their environmental drawing skills. Or maybe they just don't want to learn perspective.

    If a character is developed to be an expression of self, in that they cosplay as them or see themselves in them, then that's just a Persona.

    An original character, without a setting should not be able to exist, as the most important component of "characterising" a "character" is how they react to their environment.

    Call it what it is. Its a concept. They're concepts. You can still do doodles and stuff, but if you're laying the ground work for a cast of characters then just say "hey look at these concepts I did" you won't sound 12.

  10. 1 month ago

    >My Original Character's Original Characters

  11. 1 month ago

    I dont like to call my characters oc's because its a gay name.
    I just make charcutería for my stories and thats it.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    >the last time i drew a character from someone else was in grade school

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