Pawn shop/Thrift store finds?

>be me
>go into cashies on the way back from the shops
>Zenit EM in the cabinet, 30 Bri'ish Pounds Sterling
>Don't care about the commie camera but do care about the Helios 44M that's on it though
>Buy it on the spot
>"Oh yeah it comes with a camera bag and a flash too"
>yeah cool whatever
>go home
>Look through bag
>there are four whole unused rolls of FP4 in there
>Completely expired rolls, Pre-DX (see pic)
>according to serial number camera was made in 1980
>Rolls are no later than the mid 80s
>feeling incredibly lucky
>Shooting expired colour film is more fun but still feeling blessed

Anyone else gotten any cool photography related finds in thrift shops and the like, film or digital?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Got canon ae1 plus 55mm 1.2 for $30 (or $40?). It came with photog bag too and a bunch undevved rolls i dont recall if i tossed them, might have had "interesting" stuff in them.

    • 2 years ago

      Very nice, always wanted one of those, nice lens too, hell of a find for $30/40

  2. 2 years ago

    A few years ago I got an Olympus infinity stylus. It has a 140mm zoom lens, and it was only $5. But, I was pissed off at that specific goodwill about something that I've forgotten now, so I found another price sticker and swapped it out and paid like $2. Fuck them. For a while I never got around to finding the batteries for it, then I got a box of them. It took me a whole year to finish the first roll and that whole time I didn't know if the camera even worked or not, but luckily, it was in perfect condition and now I carry it with me daily.

    • 2 years ago

      Eat your matzo

  3. 2 years ago

    recalled another one. couple years ago there was an ebay auction for some cool ektachrome 64T rolls. like 5 rolls and only that. auctioned, won alone. it was like 3 dollars something ridiculous. so after paying i ask the auctioneer if they had more photo stuff for sale? she said yes we got some "boxes", then person stopped answering and then item figured as shipped. i said oh well.

    when i got it it was a big box and had, besides the 64T rolls, like 8 boxes of different portra 4x5 varieties, 50X sheets of Tri-X, fuji astia and velvia 4x5. that motivated me to get a large format camera since i got the film covered lol.

  4. 2 years ago

    olympus xa with the flash and the box for three fiddy

  5. 2 years ago

    a bunch of kodachrome 64 (both 35 and super 8), FP4 (like yours), some TMAX and a heap of color film that I developed for fun. Also a ton of glass plate negatives from the early 1900s judging by the cars.

  6. 2 years ago

    >be you

    My condolences

  7. 2 years ago

    today, the super piss 1.4, it was $5
    i hate it so much

  8. 2 years ago

    did you cut a leica style long leader?

    • 2 years ago

      Nope, that's how I found them. Didn't even know that was a thing, I thought it looked a bit weird...

  9. 2 years ago

    not sure if this counts as ontopic for the board, but i got this for $15 last week

  10. 2 years ago

    I have a ton of thrifted P&S cameras. I love all the shapes, sizes, and feature sets they come in. I'm toting around a Pen EE around right now. I think I paid $10-15 tops, if not less.

    Also got a thing for these light meters too. They've been popping up now & then.

    • 2 years ago

      I like old light meters (and could use one for my Zorki) but most of the ones I get use mercury batteries/some old coin cell that isn't made anymore so I don't tend to bother getting them. Very nice Olympus tho

  11. 2 years ago

    got a couple weeks ago some sort of motorized tv lens? fuck huge thing, heavy, HUGE glass. its like a 16-35 f1.6, something like that. its $2500, bought if for like $3, nobody knew what it was. cant use it on my dslr bc flange distance lol. but can do some brutal macro.

  12. 2 years ago

    I picked up a broken Zenit at a thrift store for five bucks. I use the Helios lens that was attached to it with my Canon cameras from time to time. That's not by far my best find though. Found an old Mercury II for 20 bucks back in 2018. I use it frequently. Those are by far not my best finds though. A few years ago I picked up a Leica DRP for 30 bucks that was labeled "vintage camera: as is". Ebayed that to pay for some sweet gear. I will be forever grateful to whatever lazy fuck at Savers who decided not to google up a value for that camera.

  13. 2 years ago

    A Rollei 35S for $12. Shame it's in poor condition, but I should be able to get a few hundreds bucks selling it on eBay.

  14. 2 years ago

    I sometimes steal cameras from thrift/antique stores, repair them and sell them on ebay for low prices.
    They'd other wise just sit there and rot.

    >INB4 pay for them
    I'm not payingg 6x the price of a mint OM-1 to the rude af store owner. he does not deserve that.
    If the price is fair or low I do pay for them and generally sell them repaired for about the same price I paid or about 10% more if the repair was annoying.

  15. 2 years ago

    Bought this baby with two lenses for USD$26

    Took it to a camera shop to get cleaned and lubricated because the mirror is getting stuck

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