Will these guys ever be produced?

Or Sony's making 100mp Full frame sensor will be faster?

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  1. 1 month ago

    Just wait and see. It isn't like you'll be buying either of them before then anyway.

  2. 1 month ago

    Panasonic abandoned its organic sensor.

  3. 1 month ago

    Foveons do exist, so I'm not sure what you mean

    • 1 month ago

      not in any camera worth anything

      • 1 month ago


        • 1 month ago

          Ask the CEO of Sigma how should I know

        • 1 month ago

          Supposedly less colour accuracy and significantly worse low-light performance even when shit works out, and just harder the design and develop in general so odds are shit won't be working out quite right.

  4. 1 month ago

    sigma/foveon is dumb retard nagger tech
    sorry but it's true
    they call 20MP RGB 60MP and for that I can never accept them as legitimate
    they need to embrace truth in marketing for me to see them as anything but a blatant SCAM

    hope they fail and go bankrupt if they keep lying

    >remove bayer from 61mp camera
    >get 61mp panchromatic/grayscale

    >have "60MP foveon"
    >produces 20MP images

    I don't wanna hear it
    that shit sucks ass and needs to disappear
    if they just told the truth and said it was a better 20MP that'd be based but instead they LIE

    • 1 month ago

      you seem awful upset for someone trying to project certainty

      • 1 month ago

        cope more loser
        your 4K monitor isn't 24MP, but according to foveon logic it should be

        >3840x2160 red pixels
        >3840x2160 green pixels
        >3840x2160 blue pixels
        wow! dude that's 3840x2160x3=24,883,200 pixels bro!'
        >but they're subpixels..
        "WHO CARES IT'S 3840x2160x3 BRO!"
        This is literally what Foveon does.

        They were parading their 20.3MP foveon as if it were 60.9MP on stages and we're all glad it flopped and never came to market.
        I speak truth, not projections. I know my shit. You sound like you don't.

  5. 1 month ago

    by the way, this arrangement is how color film works. three layers, blue at the top, red at the bottom.

  6. 1 month ago

    supposed colour-fidelity aside, I'm curious what advantage Sigma is hoping to offer with its Foveon sensor in an age were we have 60MP fullframes.

    • 1 month ago

      I don't have a 60mp camera, but I did have the a7r3 and my "15"mp foveon out resolved it.

      • 1 month ago

        Really, really hard to believe this unless you were shooting multicolored test charts or specialty fabrics.

        Foveon and monochrome is ~50% sharper, not 3x sharper. Some autist did the math on this before because bayer isn't actually 1/3 the resolution, it ranges from basically perfect to total fuckup depending on what you're photographing with highly refined manmade objects and feather/fur patterns easily transcending into "nightmare scenario" (also see: sarabandes infamous smeared red cardinal because that's one of the things xtrans shits itself with)

        Fabrics are literally the only reason film is even made - moire is plenty easy to fix in stills, but frame by frame for a movie? fuck that

        • 1 month ago

          >Really, really hard to believe this
          I don't know what to tell you, it did.

          >Foveon and monochrome is ~50% sharper, not 3x sharper
          It's not about sharpness. It's about retaining details. If you pixel peep hard enough the bayer turns fine details like foliage into green mush, whereas the foveon retained the individual leaves.

          But honestly you shouldn't be autistically concerned about that kind of stuff anyway. You should buy foveon because you like the images, not because it retains detail better at 1600%

          • 1 month ago

            Distant foliage and brown pine needles on browner ground is literally a CFA nightmare scenario. It's why landscape photography favors high res sensors even if you're not printing huge. If half your image is bryce bayer's worst nightmare, then it helps to have 4x more resolution than would normally be needed just to get a usable downsampled image by basically pixel binning bayer with extra steps.

            On a B&W test chart, foveon/mono is slightly sharper. On most real subjects, no one could be assed to tell.
            But if you have finely alternating combinations of green/blue/red, like tiny distant leaves against the sky, against brown (close to red) tree trunks, pine needles on the ground, etc, sensor go ACK

            You also need a hilariously sharp lens because in that case the demosaicing algorithm misinterprets the lens blur too

  7. 1 month ago

    Looks like sensor burn in is on the menu

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